Saturday, September 24, 2011

Green Lantern

Last night I got the chance to finally see Green Lantern.  I had seen previously that on metacritic it got really bad reviews, but usually I don't listen to those and go see the movie anyway cause I don't always agree.  Well...this time...I agreed.  The graphics were kind of cheesy (at the beginning one of the aliens gobbling fear looked like an anime drawing and its a movie with real people), the plot was very predictable (you can guess the ending before you even see it), and if I was watching it at home, I would have turned it off after the first 30 minutes.  This is a big deal for me, because I'm one of those people that has to see how a movie ends whether I like it or not, unless it's really disturbing or boring.  In this case, it was boring.  It was slightly entertaining to watch I think only because I was in a theatre with a big screen and surround sound and some of the humor/cheesiness did make me laugh.  I am glad it was only a $3 movie.  The things that Hal came up with to save the day I thought were very creative and kind of cool.  I will end with saying that Ryan Reynolds is hot and seeing him in tighty whities for only a moment almost made it worth it!
2/5 - Didn't Like It

No Strings Attached

I finally got to see No Strings Attached.  I watched this movie after a very stressful and tiring day at work hoping to find something to distract me.  I think this movie was a good choice for this.  The plot was mostly predictable and slow paced, which is what I needed to wind down.  However, if I were to watch this movie on a normal day I may not have enjoyed it as much.  I did love their dialogue and the creativeness of Ashton Kutcher's character.  I felt it was a unique love story since I have not yet seen Friends with Benefits (the same basic story line)Overall, it was entertaining and Ashton Kutcher and Natalie Portman had great chemistry.
3/5 Stars - I liked it, it was okay.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

How I Met Your Mother

I started watching How I Met Your Mother a long time ago after finishing watching the Friends series with my husband.  I instantly loved it!  In this show, Ted Mosby (Josh Radnor) is reminising about the lives of his unique group of friends while telling his kids about How he met their mother.  I just finally marathon-ed it and am now all caught up and can't wait for the new season to start!  It always makes me laugh because of some of the ridiculous things that happen.  So I strongly recommend this!
4.5/5 Stars (I really like it)

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Brothers & Sisters

I just finished watching the whole Brothers & Sisters series.  Let me start by saying when I first watched the first episode, I almost turned it off after 10 minutes cause I decided I didn't like Calista Flockhart ( Ally McBeal), which to be honest I had never seen anything with her in it, so my unlike was unjust.  But I continued to watch the show to the end of the episode to give it a fair shot.  When the show ended I had to immediately have more!  And that is how my addiction started.  I absolutely fell in love with the show and all of the actors/actresses, especially Calista Flockhart.  The show is about an extremely close family that is recovering from the lies that come about after the death of the father.  I loved watching the family dynamics in the show and how they overcome whatever problems they had.  Now need to find a new obsession.  I strongly recommend this.
5/5 Stars (I Loved it!  One of the best shows ever)

Super 8

So a couple weekends ago I went to see Super 8 with my mom.  When I had first seen the previews I thought it might be a scary movie, then the more previews I saw, I thought maybe it's more of a disaster movie.  The latter was definitely more true.  It wasn't scary at all, but the movie was all about this big disaster that happened in a small town.  From just watching the previews, I didn't realize it was going to be through the eyes of a group of teenagers either.  However, I really did like the movie.  I felt that it had some more sophisticated elements than a regular kid movie would have, making it more of a cross between a kid and an adult movie.  I thought the teenagers that were chosen were really great actors/actresses and the movie was very suspenseful.  It wasn't till the last 15 minutes that I actually knew the whole story of what was going on.  The action and graphics were definitely part of what made this movie so wonderfully suspenseful and more sophisticated than a kid movie.  It did remind me of the movie Explorers cause it does have a lot of the same elements.  A group of kids/teenagers that are on a mission trying to solve something together and aliens are involved.  It was a great movie and I do recommend you seeing it.
4/5 Stars  (I really liked it)
This trailer gives you a better idea of what to expect, its not the one I saw on TV however.  The second one, is like the one I saw.

Friday, August 5, 2011


Today I went to see Thor with Lena and Katie.  First, let me begin by saying the graphics, visuals, and computer generation was amazing.  The movie had many different styles within and reminded me of many different kinds of movies.  In the beginning it reminded me of Twister, then Excalibur, 300 (for the battle scenes), and the small love story reminded me of Kate & Leopold.  I felt like the love story was VERY poorly developed and there wasn't enough time devoted to believe that the two characters actually fell in love.  I also felt that Thor's demeanor changed too quickly and after he got his hammer back everything felt rushed, like it needed more time to develop.  I loved the "no-shirt" scene because man, Chris Hemsworth is hot!  I also thought the battle scenes and theatrics were pretty amazing.  The little pieces of humor made me laugh throughout the movie.  All in all, I felt like there were missing pieces, leaving the story incomplete and the movie not as amazing as it could be.  I really did appreciate and love the different styles and thought it was worth seeing.  I just think it could have been better.  On the other hand, Lena loved it so much she saw it twice, so, as always, it depends on who you talk to.
3/5 Stars (Liked it, not too bad)

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Horrible Bosses

For my birthday movie I saw Horrible Bosses and when I picked it I was hoping it was going to be funny and not stupid.  As soon as the movie started I realized I definitely made the right choice!  I laughed so many times and so did my mom and husband, so it is a great movie for anyone.  If you liked The Hangover, Superbad, or Zombieland then you will love this movie.  Jennifer Aniston was so unbelievably good at her role that I think she was my favorite.  This movie has a very original plot and the cast I felt had very good chemistry. 
4/5 Stars (Really liked it, pretty good)